Training Program for Leaders in Science Centres. Granada, 22-27 September 2013

Training Program


STRATEGIC PLANNING. How to go from a mission statement to a strategic plan: identification of core values, definition of objectives and planning programs. Relations between formal and informal learning practices. Establishing partnerships with key institutions and advocating your project.


SCIENCE LEARNING. Learning components of science centres programs: conception of workshops and demos, school activities, professional development.


TOP PRIORITIES FOR MANAGERS. Recruiting staff and capacity building. Budget planning. Marketing and fundraising.


EXHIBITION DEVELOPMENT. From concept to realization: how to develop an exhibition in due time including concept development, techniques and workplan.


NEW TECHNOLOGIES. New strategies and opportunities with internet tools (social networks, web, etc.) for exhibitions, marketing and programs.

This training program will include different teaching formats comprising a half-day dedicated to lectures and theoretical contents, and a half-day dedicated to practices: workshops, case studies, working group etc. Speakers and facilitators will be chosen for their consolidated experience in the science centre field in order to give to participants concrete skills and a knowledge based on practical expertise.

Consorcio Parque de las Ciencias

  • Junta de Andalucía
  • Ayuntamiento de Granada
  • Diputación de Granada
  • Universidad de Granada
  • Centro Superior de Investigaciones Científicas
  • Caja Granada
Avda. de la Ciencia s/n 18006 Granada. Spain. Telf.: +34 958 131 900 Fax: +34 958 133 582